criminal record divison

Amending and Expunging Criminal Records

The moment you're arrested and charged with a crime — regardless of how the case plays out — you might find yourself feeling as if you've been chained to a boulder that you now have to carry around for the rest of your life. As a result of an arrest or conviction record, you very well may have experienced:

  • Difficulty keeping a job
  • Problems getting a new or better job
  • Hardship applying for student loan aid
  • Legally owning a firearm
  • Revocation or Denial of State issued license

Now is the time to learn your options and see if you can get help to move on with your life. At S&P Law, our attorneys take our clients' futures seriously. That's why they not only provide skilled legal representation in the face of arrests and criminal charges, but even after, when criminal records can still have a ripple effect on clients' lives. We're here to use the law to help make your future easier and more hopeful. 

Learn If You Qualify For An Expunction/Expungement In North Carolina

It is important to understand what can — and can't — qualify you for clearing your criminal record. An "expunction" (also known as expungement) refers to clearing a specific charge or conviction from someone's record. In most cases, expunctions will only be available for:

  • Charges that were dismissed or ended in a "not guilty" verdict
  • First-time, nonviolent offenses committed more than 15 years ago
  • First-time offenses committed as a minor (age 18 or 21, depending)

This means that the youthful indiscretion, the petty shoplifting charge or the charges that were dropped for lack of evidence can be scrubbed from your record, giving you the clean break you deserve — and our firm can help you get it. Even if your case doesn't qualify for an expunction, we may still be able to help you. For example, if you had to represent yourself and accepted an unfair plea bargain, we might be able to go to court and ask a judge to reduce the charges to mitigate the consequences you face.

Ready To Talk With A Lawyer? Contact Our Rocky Mount Office Now.

Complete our online contact form below or call  252-443-2195 to learn if you can benefit from an expunction and move on from a past mistake.